Very Poor Average Good Over Estimate
<50% 50-74% >75% >100%
  PNRI Functional Data PNRI Service Data
Reporting Period % of facilities reporting on complete nutrition indicator % of facilities providing IYCF counselling to caregivers % of pregnant women weighted during clinic visit (Cumulative) % of children screened for SAM at facility Composite Index No of children screened for SAM at facility No of Children Identified with SAM No of SAM children admitted No of pregnant women receiving IFA No of caregiver receiving nutrition counselling SAM Status by Screening Admission Rate
May-2024 77.91% 98.76% 70.77% 82.20% 0.82408 450408 2344 1318 261069 196275 0.53% 60.33%
Apr-2024 78.22% 99.20% 71.81% 82.29% 0.82878 475308 2220 1356 253510 189444 0.48% 64.63%
Mar-2024 78.76% 99.13% 70.60% 80.47% 0.82241 528889 2516 1558 275771 207908 0.49% 67.33%
Feb-2024 77.72% 99.17% 70.62% 76.95% 0.81116 488668 2238 1260 279320 208040 0.48% 57.05%