Technical Standards
Level Output
Indicator % of women receiving maternal nutrition counselling
Definition # of visits with pregnant and lactating women up to two years after birth with a counselling session on maternal nutrition divided by the total # of visits with pregnant and lactating women up to 2 years after birth
Target 70%
Frequency Monthly
Collection point Person responsible for recording data Person responsible for reporting data Methods for recording Methods for recording
Community Clinics CHCP CHCP Maternal Register Maternal form
Home visits CHCP FWA FW Register MIS-1
Family Welfare Center FWV CHCP Pregnant Mother Register MIS-3

Technical Standards

The minimum set of counselling messages that must be delivered to be reported as counselling distribution are: Dietary Diversity, IFA supplementation, Exclusive Breastfeeding and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, weight management during pregnancy/lactation ** Messages should vary based on trimester

Level Output
Indicator % of caregivers of children 0-23 months old receiving age appropriate IYCF counselling
Definition # of visits with children under 23 months with a counselling session on IYCF for the caregiver divided by the total # of visits with children under 23 months
Target 60%
Frequency Monthly
Collection point Person responsible for recording data Person responsible for reporting data Methods for recording Methods for recording
Community Clinics CHCP CHCP Newborn and Child Register (new) TBD
Home visits HA CHCP Newborn and Child Register (new) TBD
Home visits FWA FPI -> UFPO FW Register MIS-1
Family Welfare Centers FWV UFPO Child register MIS-3

Technical Standards

The minimum set of counselling messages that must be delivered to be reported as counselling distribution are: Dietary Diversity, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Continued breastfeeding up to 2 years, Vitamin A supplementation and Iodine fortification ** Messages should be age and context appropriate

Level Output
Indicator % of visits with pregnant women who received any IFA
Definition # of visits with pregnant women when IFA was distributed divided by the total number of visits with pregnant women
Target 60%
Frequency Monthly
Collection point Person responsible for recording data Person responsible for reporting data Methods for recording Methods for recording
Community Clinics CHCP CHCP Maternal Register Maternal form
Home visits FWA FPI -> UFPO FW Register MIS-1
Family Welfare Center FWV UFPO Pregnant Mother Register MIS-3

Technical Standards

Monthly reports should include the number of times women received IFA (separated by ANC/PNC if available); registers should have the number of IFA Tablets distributed for Quality Assessment purposes

Level Output
Indicator % of children 0-23 months old whose weight was taken at a facility
Definition Number of facility visits with a child 0-23 months when weight was taken divided by the total number of facility visits with a child 0-23 months
Target 35%
Frequency Monthly
Collection point Person responsible for recording data Person responsible for reporting data Methods for recording Methods for recording
Community Clinics CHCP CHCP Newborn and Child Register Child form
Family Welfare Center FWV UFPO Child register MIS-3(new)

Technical Standards

Monthly reports should include the number of times children were weighed and the total number of child visits; should have the weight for each time it was measured (but not estimated if weight was not taken properly). Growth monitoring is the ideal with an individual card, but at a minimum a child should be weighed

Level Output
Indicator % of times women attended a facility during pregnancy that they were weighed
Definition # of facility visits with pregnant women when weight was taken divided by the total number of facility visits with pregnant women
Target 25%
Frequency Monthly
Collection point Person responsible for recording data Person responsible for reporting data Methods for recording Methods for recording
Community Clinics CHCP CHCP Maternal Register Maternal form
Family Welfare Center FWV UFPO Pregnant Mother Register MIS-3(new)

Technical Standards

Monthly reports should include the number of times pregnant women were weighed; registers should have the weight for each time it was measured (but not estimated if weight was not taken properly)